10 things I wish someone told me about pregnancy after loss


10 things I wish someone told me about pregnancy after loss

I know what you are thinking. There are only 10 things!!! No, there are more, but let's start with 10 so you don't feel too overwhelmed.

1. Trying again after loss is challenging beyond words and extremely heartbreaking. Remember those days of peeing on a stick and not seeing the 2 lines? Well, combine that with grief and the anxiety of trying again. 

2. A positive pregnancy test doesn't mean the same anymore. Okay, so now you have the two lines, but you feel even more anxious and scared but then the joy starts to wiggle its way in.

3. Bathroom time is never the same. You start to wonder if you are bleeding again every time you go to the toilet or when you feel something different in your underwear. Your partner rushes in to make sure you are okay because you are taking a bit longer than usual trying to get your breath back again.

4. Feeling sick. You look forward to feeling sick. You look forward to the mornings or nights that you are staring at your toilet and eating ginger to keep nausea away. 

5. Tuning the positive words out. So, you have announced that you are pregnant and you are in your second trimester. However, people are now super positive that you are pregnant and that everything will be okay and all you want to do is tell them to shut up. 

6. You are in your second trimester and every moment of every day you are waiting for a fart or a movement - anything really. You start to look and wait for your baby to move or even a small fart to let you know that everything is okay. 

7. Doctor appointments and check-ups are not the same anymore. By now you might have seen your share of doctors but heading into your second trimester you might be seeing them a lot more, and the visits fill you up with anxiety. 

8. Bonding with your little one is harder than you thought. I remember this like it was yesterday. I had held such high expectations of myself wanting to bond with my little girl, but still finding myself struggling to be positive about the pregnancy. 

9. Grief is always there. You will start to think about your little angel more often as you notice movements and as your body changes. Your grief might trigger you. 

10. As the months go by, as the waves of emotions go by, please know that there is joy. There are moments that you will feel joy and that you will take every moment as is and be with them. 

The affirmations that helped me through my journey were

one day at a time

you got this

I am pregnant at this moment and that is all that's important to me. 

Let me know if you want the PDF of this 



much love,
